2024 06/07 - HazMat Assistant Safety Officer

Start Date/Time: 2024 06/07 0900
End Date/Time:   2024 06/08 1700
Course Total Hours: 16

Intended Audience:  Firefighters

Prerequisites: Hazmat Technician 1A through 1D

Location:Fremont Fire Department 7200 Stevenson Blvd Fremont, CA 94538

Deadline to Register: June 7, 2024 @0900 

Description: The goal of this course is to provide Hazardous Materials Technicians/Specialists with the knowledge and skills to become competent Assistant Safety Officers-Hazardous Materials (ASO-HazMat) within the HazMat Group of the ICS. The intended outcomes for this course are to ensure that participants will be able to identify, inventory, and analyze the hazards and risks involved in an incident and take appropriate action, either through direct intervention or by contacting the responsible supervisor with recommendations for minimizing risk. The ASO-HM also assists in the preparation and development of components for event-specific and site-specific plans (ICS 208HM) that involve personnel safety. Finally, the student will have the ability to plan a safe hazardous materials response that is consistent with the emergency response plan and the organization at a terrorist incident.