Class Full
Start Date/Time: 2025 01/14 0830
End Date/Time: 2025 01/17 1830
Course Total Hours: 40
Intended Audience: Open to fire service, law enforcement, health, environmental and specific private industry personnel, this course includes class, didactic and hands-on training in real world scenarios-based experience.
Prerequisites: First Responder Operations (FRO)
Haz Mat Tech 1A
Location: Kern County Olive Drive Training Facility 5642 Victor St. Bakersfield, CA 93308
Deadline to Register: January 13th @0830
Description: Module 1B is the practical application of the chemistry learned in module 1A. Air monitoring and detection devices are discussed and participants will have the opportunity to use not only the instrumentation but hands-on laboratory field identification of unknown solid and liquid samples. Participants will work in small groups referencing chemical information and characteristics from written texts and resources. Students will also work with the latest computer software programs for chemical research, compatibility and reactivity data as well as hazardous vapor plume modeling and graphing. Live demonstrations are used to show reaction consequences.
Equipment Students Should Bring: