2025 03/24 - Company Officer 2C: Fire Inspections and Investigations


Start Date/Time: 2025 03/24 0830
End Date/Time: 2025 03/27  1730
Course Total Hours: 40


Intended Audience: Aspiring company officers

Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II

Location: CalFire CZU 1191 Main Street, Half Moon Bay

Deadline to Register: March 24, 2025 @ 0830

Description: This course provides information on conducting inspections, identifying hazards and addressing violations, performing a fire investigation to determine preliminary cause and securing an incident scene and preserving evidence.


Equipment Students Should Bring: 

Students MUST PURCHASE the following textbook prior to class:

  1. Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer 5th Edition ISBN # 978-087939564-3